#Plastic -free (1)

 I am getting increasingly anxious about all the news regarding climate change and plastic. I am also feeling guilty because over many years I have not only used but promoted the use of cling -film (plastic, shrink or glad wrap) as a way of creating texture in my watercolour paintings. As recently as last year, in my book ‘Watercolour Workshop’, I demonstrated ways of using it to create abstract marks in paint.

 So where do we go from here?  I have become addicted to the stuff. I need to find alternatives and I feel that I have a responsibility to the planet to pass on any useful discoveries. It would be easy to say ‘what’s the point’ because the tidal wave of plastic and waste is so immense that our individual endeavours can only form a droplet. But I strongly feel that I have to do something, in my own tiny way, and that if we all do the same- perhaps it will help.  And so I have made a start with some experiments but will continue to explore and share my findings . I will do this over a number of blog posts – otherwise each post would become far too big to publish- so please watch this space!


‘Tree textures’ patterns was created with the help of clingfilm- I am searching for new ways to make marks in paintings without buying rolls of plastic. #plastic-free

To be continued…….

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