I have just realised how long it is since my last post. Sorry – I will start posting more regularly now that I am out of hibernation! So much has been happening. The highlights are that I have sent my paintings off to the Mall Galleries for the annual RI show in April ( see Events) – This is my first year as a member and it felt really strange not having to ‘submit’ my work. I still half expected some notification that they had not been accepted for the exhibition!
I have also been painting for an exhibition that I will be having in my studio/gallery in Gloucestershire in May to celebrate a new dvd which I’m filming next week. I’m currently planning the content, choosing subjects and techniques and deciding what I am going to talk about! The exercise above is one of the little ‘experiments ‘ I have been playing with to help me make my decisions. I will post more news about the dvd after it has been filmed.